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Independent Street

Newcastle-Under-Lyme Food & Drink Festival

Various dates in 2025Staffordshire, ST5

Independent Street is thrilled to bring you Newcastle-Under-Lyme Food & Drink Festival again this year!

Olives at a market with Independent StreetOlives at a market with Independent StreetSausage rolls at a market with Independent Street


Newcastle-under-Lyme town centre, Staffordshire
Various dates in 2025
10:00am - 4:00pm
Next Markets
, 23rd Aug 2025 , 13th Dec 2025
Independent Street
Outdoor event in the Iron Market area. Largely flat ground. For specific queries, please use the contact form below.
Town centre car parks available nearby.
Wheelchair Accessible All Outdoor Free Entry
Markets in
Staffordshire , The West Midlands , The Midlands

Newcastle-Under-Lyme Food & Drink Festival is BACK - Head to Newcastle-under-Lyme town centre on THREE dates this year, following the success of the town’s very first Food & Drink Festival in 2024!

Imagine all of the food-related festival stands you can think of - from chef demonstrations to Man vs Food competitions, local ale talks, children’s craft activities, plus live music and a vibrant artisan market and more food and drink than you can shake a stick at.

We cannot wait to transform the Newcastle-under-Lyme Iron Market into a melting pot of tastes, smells, sounds and a real hive of activity even more this year… there’s so much to see and do, you can enjoy a vibrant atmosphere in the centre of the town.

Come along and show support for your local businesses and local community at Newcastle-Under-Lyme Food & Drink Festival, and let’s shop local in Staffordshire.

Curated by Independent Street, this event is an exciting collaboration between Newcastle-under-Lyme BID and Newcastle-under-Lyme Borough Council too, focussing on community, collaboration, and bringing joy to the local area.

Contact Independent Street

The event details have been added by the organiser and/or their representatives. Please contact them directly for more information using the contact form provided.