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Milton Country Park Autumn Festival

Pedddle does not have any future dates listed for this eventCambridge, CB24 6AZ

Milton Country Park’s Autumn Festival is the park's biggest fundraiser of the year, providing a great atmosphere, crafts, workshops, children’s activities and more.


Milton Country Park, Cambridge Road, Milton, Cambridge
CB24 6AZ
18th September 2022
Next Markets
No future dates
Parking is free but has limited availability. You will be able to park and walk to the festival from Milton Park & Ride on the day.
Markets in
Cambridge , Cambridgeshire , East Anglia

The Milton Country Park Autumn Festival is run by volunteers, community groups and talented local traders and creatives, as a way to raise vital funds to keep the park in shape during the winter months; it’s a real community effort!

Supporting local independent food traders, craft stallholders and many other creatives, enjoy a family fun day with wild outdoor play, traditional crafts and magical adventures, with piles of hay for the children to play in, wood crafts and other workshops.

There will also be local street food, real ales, cider and live music, with the beautiful background of the Milton Country Park.

All proceeds from entry fees go towards the upkeep of Milton Country Park and help to keep it open and accessible for everyone to enjoy!

This market has been listed by the Pedddle team. Please contact the organiser directly for more information.