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Malvern Artisan Craft Market

Malvern Artisan
Craft Market

Pedddle does not have any future dates listed for this eventMalvern, WR14 2AY

Monthly craft markets showcasing unique products from local crafters, makers and artists. Free entry to market.

Malvern Artisan Craft MarketMalvern Artisan Craft MarketMalvern Artisan Craft Market


Church Street, Malvern, UK
WR14 2AY
Monthly Saturday markets
Next Markets
No future dates
Malvern Artisan Craft Market
Lift available to access the first floor.
There is plenty of parking within the town, in car parks and off street, all within walking distance.
Toilets All Indoor Dog Friendly Free Entry
Markets in
Worcestershire , The West Midlands , The Midlands

Malvern Artisan Craft Market is located in a central location in Lyttleton Well Hall, just within the Priory Grounds.

It’s a great chance to find some gift ideas and some yummy treats, with the market taking place over two floors. We have a varied range of products on offer from our stall holders - cards, jams, handcrafted wooden gifts, jewellery, art work, prints, fragrance gifts, ceramics, baked treats, handmade clothing and accessories.

Open 10am - 3pm monthly (November 10am - 7pm)

Free entry at all market events!

Stall-holders - Please note we are now full for 2024. Keep an eye on our social media for details of our 2025 markets

Contact Malvern Artisan Craft Market

The event details have been added by the organiser and/or their representatives. Please contact them directly for more information using the contact form provided.