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Makers & Vintage Magpie Fair

Pedddle does not have any future dates listed for this eventLondon, SE24 0JW

A new, mostly monthly, Makers & Vintage Fair, in the heart of Herne Hill. Second Sunday of the month, located at Station Hall, directly above the train station. Open 10-4pm to the public. We are a pet friendly fair.


Railton Road, London, UK
SE24 0JW
Second Sunday of the Month
Next Markets
No future dates
Makers Vintage Magpie Fair
The hall is only accessible by steps to the right of the station.
There is free parking on nearby streets. The road outside the station is pedestrianised from 8am.
Markets in
Lambeth , London

The Magpie Fair brings together a wide mix of creative makers and vintage sellers, selling everything from jewellery to soaps, tarot reading to hair-care. We love supporting creatives and showcasing their wares.

Contact Makers Vintage Magpie Fair

The event details have been added by the organiser and/or their representatives. Please contact them directly for more information using the contact form provided.