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Makers Night | Ruddington Village

Pedddle does not have any future dates listed for this eventNottingham, NG11 6DT

Makers Night is an evening craft market held in Ruddington Village.

Jesmonite trinket box, jewellery box, storage boxJesmonite trinket box, jewellery box, storage box


Easthorpe St. High St. Church St., Ruddington, Nottingham
NG11 6DT
Friday 15th September 2023
Next Markets
No future dates
Ruddington Village Market
Both Indoor and Outdoor Free Entry
Markets in
Nottinghamshire , The East Midlands , The Midlands

Makers Night is our annual evening craft market trail at Ruddington Village, hosted in multiple indoor and marquee venues around the village, with around 70 pitches on the following sites:

St Peters Church (20 table stalls)
Cottage Hotel (15 stable stalls)
Methodist Hall (14 table stalls)
Framework Knitters Museum (8 table stalls)
Marquee on village green (~20 table stalls)

This event features local artisans, live music and street food, creating a brilliant evening atmosphere. Event programmes and maps will be handed out at each venue, so you can easily find your way around!

Contact Ruddington Village Market

The event details have been added by the organiser and/or their representatives. Please contact them directly for more information using the contact form provided.