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Makers Markets at Leith Makers

Pedddle does not have any future dates listed for this eventEdinburgh, EH6 8NP

Our Makers' Market will have a wonderful and different range of makers each month. We have brought together ceramicists, knitters, print-makers, jewellery-makers from Leith and across Edinburgh.


Leith Walk, Edinburgh, UK
Last Saturday & Sunday
Next Markets
No future dates
Leith Makers
Toilet & Baby Changing is upstairs.
We are located on Leith Walk, which has very limited street parking but is very accessible by both local bus and tram service.
Wheelchair Accessible Toilets All Indoor Dog Friendly Free Entry
Markets in
Edinburgh , Scotland

January is a Sample & Seconds Sale - Sample & Seconds Sale is a market filled with makers who will be selling products that are samples and seconds - these might be a label that is not quite sewn on right, a misprint or a glaze that's not quite worked. These products would normally be sold at markets, online or independent shops but this is your opportunity to grab a bargain from our makers all under one roof.

All other dates will be makers markets showcasing a wide range of high end crafted products from local, makers, artists and creatives.

Contact Leith Makers

The event details have been added by the organiser and/or their representatives. Please contact them directly for more information using the contact form provided.