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LK Pop up Fayres

LK Christmas Artisan Craft & Gift Fayre at the Stag Plaza

Saturday 22nd November 2025Sevenoaks, TN13 1ZZ

Join us for a magical holiday shopping experience at our LK Christmas Artisan Craft & Gift Fayre at the Stag Plaza!


London Road, Sevenoaks, UK
TN13 1ZZ
Saturday 22nd November 2025
10:00am - 4:00pm
Next Markets
LK Pop up Fayres
Held at The Stag Sevenoaks - please use the contact form below for any specific accessibility queries.
The Stag Sevenoaks is conveniently located right in the centre of Sevenoaks and can be found next to the post office on London Road, parallel to The High Street. It has convenient pay and display car parking at the rear with direct access to The Stag Theatre, Cinema or Plaza from the car park and includes disabled parking. There are more than 1,100 parking spaces in the centre of Sevenoaks within easy walking distance of The Stag. You can see details of available car parks The Stag is easily accessible by public transport and is a fifteen minute walk from Sevenoaks railway station. For more information call National Rail Enquiries on 08457 484950 or you can visit either or
Markets in
Kent , South East

Discover unique, handcrafted treasures perfect for everyone on your list at LK Christmas Artisan Craft & Gift Fayre at the Stag Plaza.

Enjoy the festive atmosphere with twinkling lights, Christmas music.

Contact LK Pop up Fayres

The event details have been added by the organiser and/or their representatives. Please contact them directly for more information using the contact form provided.