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Living North York Christmas Fair

Pedddle does not have any future dates listed for this eventYork, YO23 1EX

A Christmas Fair held at York Racecourse, Yorkshire.

Iluna Designs, PedddleIluna Designs, PedddleIluna Designs, Njoume Earrings


York Races, Racecourse Road, York
YO23 1EX
10th-13th November 2022
Next Markets
No future dates
Our venue is wheelchair friendly with onsite disabled parking and toilets.
York Racecourse is accessible from the A1036 Tadcaster Road at the Kanvesmire Road entrance. FREE Parking is available on the road and directly beyond the main grandstand entrances by following the Living North Car Park signs.
Markets in
York , Yorkshire

Living North's Christmas Fair brings you Yorkshire's biggest and best shopping and social event of the season. We are thrilled to host a treasure trove of the finest artisan food producers, designer-makers and retailers, presenting the perfect opportunity to get together with friends and family for a fabulous fun and festive day out, packed with seasonal inspiration.

This market has been listed by the Pedddle team. Please contact the organiser directly for more information.