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Hustle and Bustle

Lickey Hills Hustle & Bustle Pop-up Market

Pedddle does not have any future dates listed for this eventBirmingham, B45 8RT

Showcasing local makers, bakers and artists, with refreshments and a place to sit down and catch up with friends and family, Lickey Hills Hustle & Bustle Pop-up Market is the place to be! Free entry.


Rose Hill, Birmingham, UK
B45 8RT
Quarterly markets
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No future dates
Hustle and Bustle
Free parking on site available.
Toilets Both Indoor and Outdoor Seating Available Free Entry
Markets in
Birmingham , West Midlands , The West Midlands , The Midlands

Lickey Hills Hustle & Bustle Pop-up Market is situated in the heart of the stunning Lickey Hills, with covered outdoor seating. This is perfect for a family day out or a relaxing Sunday stroll.

The venue will be serving tea and coffee from 10am and opening the bar from 11:30am at the Old Rose and Crown. They will also be serving delicious hot pork baps and soup on the day!

Free entry!

Contact Hustle and Bustle

The event details have been added by the organiser and/or their representatives. Please contact them directly for more information using the contact form provided.