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Suffolk Market Events

Lavenham Farmers Market

Fourth Sunday of the monthLavenham, CO10 9QT

Lavenham Farmers Market, the official winner of ‘The Best Farmers Market in the UK 2022' (FRA Awards), is held on the fourth Sunday of every month, entirely outside Lavenham Village Hall.

Lavenham farmers marketLavenham farmers marketLavenham Farmers Market shot with all the gazebosLavenham farmers market


Lavenham Village Hall, Church Street, Lavenham, UK
CO10 9QT
Fourth Sunday of the month
10:00am - 1:30pm
Next Markets
, 27th Apr 2025 , 25th May 2025 , 22nd Jun 2025 , 27th Jul 2025 , 24th Aug 2025 , 28th Sep 2025 , 26th Oct 2025
Suffolk Market Events
The market is held entirely outside and there is Blue Badge parking nearby. The market is partially accessible dependent on the weather - please message for more details using the contact form below.
Paid parking available in the village.
Both Indoor and Outdoor Dog Friendly Free Entry
Markets in
East Anglia , Suffolk

Lavenham Farmers Market is an award-winning Farmers Market with accolades including:

- Winner of ‘Best Farmers Market in UK’ in the Farm Retail Association Awards 2022
- Winner of the 2015 Best Food Market in Suffolk: BBC Radio 4 Food & Drink Farming Awards
- Named as ‘one of the best food markets in the UK’ by The Times Newspaper (Sept 2021)
- Best Market in Suffolk, Suffolk Food & Drink Awards 2012

Lavenham Farmers Market, officially one of the best farmers markets in the UK, is held on the fourth Sunday of every month and is currently held outside Lavenham Village Hall, with a small number of craft stalls also in the front room of the Village Hall.

Every month we showcase almost forty of the highest quality artisan producers from across the region.

Everything that is sold at Lavenham Farmers Market comes from within a thirty-mile radius, with many traders living in Lavenham and others travelling from the neighbouring towns and villages of Boxford, Sudbury and Ipswich.

The range of produce includes locally baked, fresh bread, Suffolk pork, lamb, red poll Suffolk beef and venison, locally produced charcuterie, home-baked cakes and pies, home-produced jams and chutneys, local sausages, pasties and sausage rolls plus Suffolk honey, regional cheeses and fresh, oven-ready game (during the season).

All the food at the market is grown, baked, brewed and butchered by the person who is selling it so that you, the customer, can find out everything you want to know before you buy – there are no hidden surprises!

Bring along the family and any four-legged friends – we have a fabulous van serving freshly brewed coffee and a selection of teas.

Or why not make a day of it and enjoy lunch, a walk or a drink in one Lavenham’s many pubs and immerse yourself in the beauty and history of one of Britain’s most historic villages.

Parking in the village is free all day (with donation). Dogs are very welcome at the market.

Contact Suffolk Market Events

Our stallholders at previous markets

The event details have been added by the organiser and/or their representatives. Please contact them directly for more information using the contact form provided.