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Interflora World Cup 2023
Artisan Market

Pedddle does not have any future dates listed for this eventManchester, M2 3GX

An artisan market as part of The Interflora World Cup 2023, featuring artists and crafters.
Please contact The Interflora World Cup for more information.

A large green labradorite stone is set into a sterling silver bezel with a sterling silver chain. The necklace is displayed on a vintage Victorian bottle. Handmade with eco silver. Fran Barnett JewelleryA large green labradorite stone is set into a sterling silver bezel with a sterling silver chain. The necklace is displayed on a vintage Victorian bottle. Handmade with eco silver. Fran Barnett JewelleryEggbert & Daisy, Pedddle


Manchester Central Convention Complex, Windmill Street, Manchester
M2 3GX
7th - 9th September 2023
Next Markets
No future dates
Markets in
Manchester , North West

An artisan market as part of The Interflora World Cup 2023, featuring artists and crafters.
Please contact The Interflora World Cup for more information.

This market has been listed by the Pedddle team. Please contact the organiser directly for more information.