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Mynt Image Ltd

Hungerford Craft and Gift Market

Pedddle does not have any future dates listed for this eventBerkshire, RG17 0NF

Enjoy free entry to Hungerford Craft and Gift Market.

Marlborough Craft and Gift Market - Pedddle - Mynt ImageMarlborough Craft and Gift Market - Pedddle - Mynt ImageMarlborough Craft and Gift Market


Hungerford Corn Exchange, Hungerford Town Hall, High Street, Hungerford, Berkshire
RG17 0NF
Various dates in 2024
Next Markets
No future dates
Mynt Image Ltd
Easy level access to venue, and access for stallholders loading and unloading to the rear of the hall.
Town centre parking available.
Wheelchair Accessible All Indoor
Markets in

Hungerford Craft and Gift Market is organised by Mynt Image, running at this venue for its fifth year in 2023.

Find artists, jewellery makers, homewares, candle makers and more at this traditional craft market, taking place at the Hungerford Corn Exchange / Hungerford Town Hall.

Hungerford is well known for its antique shops and antique trade, with many antique and collectables markets occurring throughout the year too. Hungerford is a popular destination for tourists enjoying the scenic beauty of the area and the historic buildings within the town.

Contact Mynt Image Ltd

The event details have been added by the organiser and/or their representatives. Please contact them directly for more information using the contact form provided.