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Handmade Wimborne

Handmade Wimborne

Pedddle does not have any future dates listed for this eventWimborne, BH21 1AS

A wonderfully warm and friendly craft fair in the heart of Wimborne Minster, Dorset, that celebrates local designer-makers, artists, crafters, and artisans. Located in one or both halls of the Allendale Centre in Wimborne, Dorset.

Handmade Wimborne seller Old GreenHandmade Wimborne seller Old GreenHandmade WimborneHandmade Wimborne sellersHandmade Wimborne seller 68CharmsHandmade Wimborne seller in front of her fairy doorsHandmade Wimborne seller Coastal FindsHandmade Wimborne Seller Maple GlassHandmade Wimborne seller Artemis


Hanham Road, Wimborne, UK
BH21 1AS
Various dates in 2023
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No future dates
Handmade Wimborne
Step free access. Disabled toilets. Disabled parking nearby in Allenview car park. Baby changing facilities available. Water bottle refill station.
Parking available in the Allenview car park next to The Allendale Centre market venue.
Markets in
Dorset , South West

Handmade Wimborne was founded in 2017 by papercut artist Kyleigh Orlebar, from Kyleigh's Papercuts. The market celebrates local designer-makers, artists, crafters and artisans, showcasing creative handmade goods and a variety of independent businesses.

The first market was held outside in Wimborne Square as part of the 'Discover Wimborne' event. Thankfully the sun was shining and it was such a hit that everyone wanted more! That same year, the very first Handmade Wimborne Christmas market was held at Allendale House, to shelter market visitors from the winter weather.

We have now found our permanent market home at the Allendale Centre, as it has plenty of parking nearby, toilets and a licensed cafe. Enjoy free entry to the market and dogs are also welcome. The craft fair takes place in the main hall (and sometimes the back hall too!), so it is perfect whatever the weather.

This is a wonderfully warm and friendly craft fair in the heart of Wimborne Minster, that celebrates local designer-makers, artists, crafters, and artisans. Come along and say hello!

Contact Handmade Wimborne

The event details have been added by the organiser and/or their representatives. Please contact them directly for more information using the contact form provided.