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Guildford Indoor Christmas Market

Pedddle does not have any future dates listed for this eventSurrey, GU1 4EH

The ideal place for Christmas gift shopping!

We’ve created a run-down of the best independent Christmas Markets in Scotland in 2023, so here goes…We’ve created a run-down of the best independent Christmas Markets in Scotland in 2023, so here goes…


14 - 16 Friary St, Guildford, Surrey
9th, 10th, 16th & 17th Dec ‘22
Next Markets
No future dates
Markets in
Surrey , South East

Guildford Indoor Christmas Market is open on the following dates and times in 2022:
Friday 9th December, 10am - 3pm
Saturday 10th December, 10am - 4pm
Friday 16th December, 10am - 3pm
Saturday 17th December, 10am - 4pm

Find a great variety of handmade products as well as gifts and vegan goodies and treat yourself or a loved one to an abundance of unique products.

This market has been listed by the Pedddle team. Please contact the organiser directly for more information.