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Green Rooms Plant Market at Turner Contemporary, Margate

Pedddle does not have any future dates listed for this eventMargate, CT9 1HG

Plant lovers! The popular plant market Green Rooms is popping-up in Margate on Saturday 14th October with up to 20 of the region's best plant shops and botanical designer-makers. Including free demos and a free potting service.


Margate, Kent
Saturday 14th October 2023
Next Markets
No future dates
Green Rooms Market
Step free access at venue. Guide-dogs and hearing dogs within the gallery and market. Unfortunately other dogs aren't allowed inside the gallery or market area.
Parking is available at Rendezvous car park in front of Turner Contemporary.
Wheelchair Accessible Toilets All Indoor Seating Available Free Entry
Markets in
Kent , South East

Green Rooms Plant Market at Turner Contemporary, Margate, is back!

Margate's modern plant market Green Rooms returns to Turner Contemporary on Saturday 14th October with houseplants, outdoor plants, pots and plant care accessories filling the sea-view Foyle rooms. Expect a plant lover's heaven, packed with 20 of the region's best indie botanical brands for you to shop. Plus a free potting service, workshops and free demos for you to create and learn from the pros! All inside the iconic Turner Contemporary, in the vibrant Kent town of Margate.

Workshop and free demo booking links will be found at

Please note that due to high visitor numbers some queuing may be needed to allow for calmer and more leisurely browsing within the market area.

Contact Green Rooms Market

The event details have been added by the organiser and/or their representatives. Please contact them directly for more information using the contact form provided.