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Got Enough Books

Got Enough Books presents: Night Market

Every two monthsLeicester, LE1 1RE

Night Market is a regular makers and small business market hosted and run by second hand bookshop Got Enough Books, based at LCB Depot.


Rutland Street, Leicester, UK
Every two months
5:00pm - 10:00pm
Next Markets
Got Enough Books
Parking is available at the nearby NCP Rutland Street, which can be validated onsite at Grays Coffee Shop & Kitchen.
Wheelchair Accessible Toilets
Markets in
Leicestershire , The East Midlands , The Midlands

An independent market for independent people, Got Enough Books presents: Night Market.

Night Market, created by Got Enough Books, has been a staple of the craft market calendar since its inception in early 2023.

Running as a part of the iconic Cultural Quarter Lates (CQL) output in Leicester, it host makers, artisans and small businesses as they sell their wares to the Last Friday crowd at LCB Depot. Last Friday is the centrepiece of CQL and draws in on average 800 attendees per month, boasting a wide selection of street food vendors, bars and a DJ in the cultural hub of the city.

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