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Glasgow Artisan, Fine Foods and Makers Market at Foodies Festival

Pedddle does not have any future dates listed for this eventGlasgow, G46 7UG

Showcasing the best local artisan produce in Rouken Glen Park at Foodies Festival Glasgow.


Rouken Glen Park, Glasgow, UK
G46 7UG
Fri 11th - Sun 13th Aug 2023
Next Markets
No future dates
Foodies Festival
Markets in
Glasgow , Scotland

In our festival shopping village, you can find our market stalls filled with a variety of food and drink offerings, including preserves, cheeses and other sweet and savoury goods, as well as local makers of homewares and crafts.

The shopping village is situated within Foodies Festival, hosting chef demonstrations and kids cookery, creating a lively, friendly atmosphere.

Established for 16 years, we run 13 markets at our festivals across the UK.

Contact Foodies Festival

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