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Rainbow Monkey Events Ltd

Gainsborough Vegan and Ethical Market

Pedddle does not have any future dates listed for this eventGainsborough, DN21 2BP

Now in Gainsborough, Lincolnshire, there will be a vegan and ethical market in the Market Place! Running alongside the current Saturday market.

Front on short of Dash Vegan's market stall with a selection of colourful bags, pin badges and the Vegan Traders Union sign displayed.Front on short of Dash Vegan's market stall with a selection of colourful bags, pin badges and the Vegan Traders Union sign displayed.Chesterfield Vegan Market - Side shot of Dash Vegan's stall featuring a range of giftware including oil burners, children's environmental issue books, eco homewares, plastic free and zero waste lifestyle goods, herbal teas and chocolate bars. All vegan.


Market Place, Gainsborough, UK
DN21 2BP
Various Dates
Next Markets
No future dates
Rainbow Monkey Events Ltd
Trader Mailing List
The Market Place has step free access, disabled parking on street. Nearest public toilets with disabled access are in Roseway Car Park (a 4 minute walk from the Market Place). Gainsborough Central train station is a 10 minute walk from the Market Place.
Nearest car park is Roseway Car Park which is free for one hour, £1.40 for up to 2 hours, £2.00 up to 3 hours and a maximum of £2.50 for up to 4 hours. There are also electric charging points in this car park. Alternatively, there are a number of car parks in the surrounding area.
Wheelchair Accessible Toilets All Outdoor Seating Available Dog Friendly Free Entry
Markets in
Lincolnshire , The East Midlands , The Midlands

Gainsborough Vegan and Ethical Market brings together vegan food, gifts and ethical products, with allergen free choices too. Hot food, cold food, vegan skincare, eco friendly homewares, plastic free solutions, ethical gifts, vegan sweet treats and more.

Contact Rainbow Monkey Events Ltd

The event details have been added by the organiser and/or their representatives. Please contact them directly for more information using the contact form provided.