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Independent Street

Artisan Market

Pedddle does not have any future dates listed for this event,

Frodsham Artisan Market is the latest event from Independent Street - a brand new artisan market! Happening monthly in 2024.

Eggbert & Daisy, PedddleEggbert & Daisy, PedddleEggbert and Daisy, PedddleEggbert & Daisy, PedddleEggbert & Daisy, PedddleEggbert & Daisy, Pedddle


Frodsham, Cheshire
Last Saturday of the month
Next Markets
No future dates
Independent Street
All Outdoor
Markets in
Cheshire , North West

Frodsham Artisan Market is a brand new Artisan Market in Frodsham town centre!

Independent Street is delighted to have teamed up with Frodsham Town Council to bring you a new spectacular family day out, packed full of entertainment, live music, artisan market shopping and plenty of things to keep the whole family entertained.

Happening on the last Saturday of the month throughout the year, with a December special on the 21st of December full of lovely Christmas wares.

Contact Independent Street

Our stallholders at previous markets

The event details have been added by the organiser and/or their representatives. Please contact them directly for more information using the contact form provided.