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Join Pedddle today - pic of coloured ceramic pots on a stall

Folk & Bespoke, Epping

Pedddle does not have any future dates listed for this eventEssex, CM16 4RA

Discover over 30 skilled artists, artisans and craftspeople, all of whom can’t wait to showcase their hand curated items and products, perfect as a gift or for a personal treat.

Sew Last Summer - 3 Handmade Slow Fashion Classic Knot Headbands in navy blue chiffon, neutral patchwork print and pink with gold shimmerSew Last Summer - 3 Handmade Slow Fashion Classic Knot Headbands in navy blue chiffon, neutral patchwork print and pink with gold shimmerSew Last Summer - Pink and Red themed hair scrunchies in various patterns and textures


Epping Catholic Church Hall, 11 Church Hill, Epping, Essex
CM16 4RA
Saturday 16th September 2023
Next Markets
No future dates
Markets in
Essex , East Anglia

Folk & Bespoke is excited to be hosting an Artisan Craft Fair event in Epping Catholic Church Hall this September!

Discover over 30 skilled artists, artisans and craftspeople, all of whom can’t wait to showcase their hand curated items and products, perfect as a gift or for a personal treat.

This event is located in the main hall at the Church.

Please contact the event organisers directly for further information on this event.

This market has been listed by the Pedddle team. Please contact the organiser directly for more information.