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Festive Family Market by Mama Meet & Market

Pedddle does not have any future dates listed for this eventDerby, DE1 2QD

Our annual Festive Market is the perfect way to kick start the holiday season and start your Christmas shopping! Entrance is £2 per adult, children enter for free.


The Chocolate Factory, John Street, Derby
19th & 20th November 2022
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Mama Meet and Market
Wheelchair & buggy friendly. Changing facilities, seating & eateries on site.
Limited on street parking available but plenty of large local car parks with fair parking fees.
Markets in
Derbyshire , The East Midlands , The Midlands

The Festive Family Market by Mama Meet & Market is a 2-day Christmas event designed to kick-start the holiday season for all the family.

With tonnes of independent shopping, seasonal products and gifts, food vendors provided by the famous Bustler Street Food Market and much more.

Saturday 19th November, 10.30am - 5.30pm
Sunday 20th November, 10.30am - 4.30pm

We specialise in connecting local families with small businesses and services. The Festive Family Market by Mama Meet & Market provides our wonderful stallholders a place to showcase their quality gifts and products, plus you get to shop small this Christmas, all under one roof!

Contact Mama Meet and Market

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