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Wylde Thistle

Festive Artisan Market – David Livingstone Birthplace Museum

Sunday 23rd November 2025Glasgow, G72 9BY

You're invited to our Festive Artisan Market at the beautiful David Livingstone Birthplace Museum.

Festive Artisan Market - David Livingstone Birthplace MuseumFestive Artisan Market - David Livingstone Birthplace Museum


Station Road, Glasgow, UK
G72 9BY
Sunday 23rd November 2025
11:00am - 4:00pm
Next Markets
Wylde Thistle
Step free access. Disabled parking. Changing space.
Free on site parking. Overflow parking. On street parking.
Wheelchair Accessible Toilets Both Indoor and Outdoor Seating Available Dog Friendly Free Entry
Markets in
Ayr , Glasgow , Scotland

Pop along to our Festive Artisan Market filled with gorgeous gift ideas, goods and produce at the wonderful David Livingstone Birthplace Museum.

Soak up the festive fun amongst acres of stunning parkland on the banks of the River Clyde whilst browsing our market. We've got lots of fabulous outdoor stalls housed in mini gazebos filled with unique and original items and indoor stalls brimming with beautiful trinkets and treasures.

Find the perfect gifts for friends and family from apothecary, art, candles and home fragrance, ceramics, childrens, dried flowers, embroidery, fresh flowers, glass, interior decoration, jewellery, lino prints, photography, stationery, textiles, wood and more.

Our food and drink vendors - many from the local area - will be showcasing their finest artisan butters, bread and baked goods, cakes, chocolates, craft ales, farm shop produce, gin, pastries, rum and more - make sure that you ask for a wee taster from our alcohol producers!

Wander inside the pavilion and find even more super talented artisans selling unique, handmade goods, then follow your nose through the pavilion to the cafe serving delicious meals and scrumptious treats - don't miss out!

Contact Wylde Thistle

The event details have been added by the organiser and/or their representatives. Please contact them directly for more information using the contact form provided.