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Vegan Fairs

Exeter Vegan Market

Sunday 17th August 2025Exeter, EX2 8GX

We are back for 2025! This Summer, Exeter Vegan Market will be returning to the Piazza Terracina on Exeter Quay. This event isn’t just for vegans. We guarantee everyone will find something they enjoy!

People attending Exeter Vegan Market 2024 by Vegan FairsPeople attending Exeter Vegan Market 2024 by Vegan FairsVegan Cheesecake at Vegan Market by Vegan FairsCruelty-free candles and aromatherapy at Exeter Vegan Market by Vegan Fairs


Waterside, Exeter, UK
Sunday 17th August 2025
10:00am - 4:00pm
Next Markets
Vegan Fairs
Trader Mailing List
The venue is fully accessible with flat floor access throughout. Closest public toilets are Exeter Quay Public Toilets located on The Quay.
Cathedral & Quay Multi Storey Car Park is a 10min walk away from the site. Please take public transport where you can or liftshare - details below on alternative options.
Wheelchair Accessible Toilets All Outdoor Seating Available Dog Friendly Free Entry
Markets in
Devon , Exeter , South West

We are back for 2025! This Summer, Exeter Vegan Market will be returning to the Piazza Terracina on Exeter Quay.

Browse a range of products from local and national independent businesses including incredible street food, sweet bakes and treats, deli items like vegan cheese, arts and crafts, charities and outreach and much more.

This event isn’t just for vegans. We guarantee everyone will find something they enjoy!

Register your attendance*
*You don’t need to register your attendance to attend this event! You can just turn up!
It is however useful information for us so we can gauge how many people might turn up on the day :)

Trader List TBC
If you are a vegan business and are interested in trading at this event please fill out an online application form.

Getting there
By train - The closest train station is Exeter St Thomas which is a 10min walk from the Piazza

By bus - The closest bus stop is either Exeter Quay or The Range. For full Exeter bus timetables visit the stagecoach website.

By car - Cathedral & Quay Multi Storey Car Park is a 10min walk away from the site

The venue is fully accessible with flat floor access throughout. Closest public toilets are Exeter Quay Public Toilets located on The Quay.

Be an eco-warrior
We do everything we can to ensure our events are as eco-conscious as they can be. From the paper and ink we use for our flyers to banning plastic bags and cutlery.

We’ve come up with 5 tips to make your visit more eco-friendly…

- Bring a tote bag for your shopping.
- Bring a reusable cup & cutlery.
- Bring your own tupperware to fill up with goodies.
- Take public transport where you can or liftshare.
- If you have to drive, offset your emissions by planting a tree in our grove.

Contact Vegan Fairs

The event details have been added by the organiser and/or their representatives. Please contact them directly for more information using the contact form provided.