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Join Pedddle today - colour stall set up with planters

Etsy Made Local: Birmingham Central Winter
Makers Market

Pedddle does not have any future dates listed for this eventBirmingham, B3 3DH
Join us in our new home in the Water Hall at Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery.

Enjoy shopping from over 40 local artists and designer-makers to ensure your Christmas giving is unique and sustainably sourced.

Grab an independent coffee whilst you shop and a yummy cake for a pick me up whilst you plot your present buying.

Take a punt on our charity raffle filled with donations from our makers to raise funds for Birmingham Christmas Shelter. If you want to donate further then get your gifts wrapped in hand-stamped illustrative gift wrap - only available at our wrapping station!

Opening times:
Debra Nelson Design, Birmingham Bull


Birmingham Museum & Art Gallery, Birmingham
B3 3DH
30th Nov & 1st Dec 2019
Next Markets
No future dates
Disabled lift is available, just a couple of steps for everyone else to walk up!
As a city-centre venue there is no parking specific for our venue. Nearest car park is the Snow Hill Train Station car park on Livery Street. We are just a short walk from major bus dropping off at Colmore Row and Birmingham New St and Snow Hill Train stations!
Markets in
Birmingham , The West Midlands , West Midlands , The Midlands

10am-6pm on Saturday 30th November
11am -5pm on Sunday 1st December

FREE ENTRY & FREE GOODY BAGS for the first 25 through the door each day!

This market has been listed by the Pedddle team. Please contact the organiser directly for more information.