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Endless Love Creative Makers Market – Edinburgh

Pedddle does not have any future dates listed for this eventEdinburgh, EH1 1DF

A curated Makers Market with 60 + art, design and craft stalls hosted in the heart of Edinburgh in the Fruitmarket.
Contact the organisers directly for more information

Two women are smiling together, looking at ceramics on a makers stall. The scene is at a market and behind them are people browsing other stalls, the room is bright.Two women are smiling together, looking at ceramics on a makers stall. The scene is at a market and behind them are people browsing other stalls, the room is bright.


45 Market St, Edinburgh
Spring / Winter
Next Markets
No future dates
All Indoor
Markets in
Edinburgh , Scotland

Vibrant, contemporary and inspiring
Join us at Fruitmarket in Edinburgh with a curation of 60+ art, design and craft stalls, celebrating the best of established and emerging makers from across the UK. Explore a diverse and considered collection of work including ceramics, jewellery, textiles, print, illustration, botanicals and homeware.

Our stallholders at previous markets

This market has been listed by the Pedddle team. Please contact the organiser directly for more information.