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Edinburgh’s Craft & Flea

Sunday 2nd February 2025Edinburgh, EH2 2LR

Taking place at The Assembly Rooms in Edinburgh. Entrance £2.50-3, under 12s go free.

Peach Plot Laser Cut Monstera EarringsPeach Plot Laser Cut Monstera EarringsPeach Plot Orange Leaf Wreath Earrings


The Assembly Rooms, 54 George St, Edinburgh
Sunday 2nd February 2025
10:00am - 4:00pm
Next Markets
All Indoor
Markets in
Edinburgh , Scotland

Edinburgh’s Craft & Flea is held in The Assembly Rooms.

Craft & Flea is a new spin on the makers market, bringing together talented, independent makers, designers, producers and collectors, each handpicked for their quality, on-trend products. We don't define ourselves as a craft market or a flea market but a great mixture of local talent and finds.

This market is organised by Craft & Flea - please contact them directly for details.

Our stallholders at previous markets

This market has been listed by the Pedddle team. Please contact the organiser directly for more information.