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Dolly’s Artisan Fair

Pedddle does not have any future dates listed for this eventBasingstoke, RG24 7DA

Dolly's Artisan Fair brings together talented crafters and makers to share their unique creations. Join us to browse for unusual gifts, pampering treats for yourself and lots of inspiration for your home and kids.

Dolly's Artisan Fair - PedddleDolly's Artisan Fair - PedddleDolly's Artisan Fair Logo - Pedddle


The Street, Old Basing, Basingstoke, UK
RG24 7DA
Twice yearly - Spring & Xmas
Next Markets
No future dates
Ruby’s Vintage
Step free access to venue. Disabled toilets.
Plenty of free parking available on site.
Markets in

Dolly's Artisan Fair was founded over ten years ago, and has been held in Old Basing Village Hall (RG24 7DA) since the start.

A loyal fanbase of stallholders and customers knows exactly where to find us and what to expect form this market.

Join us to find creative crafts, handmade items, unique gifts, clothes and treats for you and your family. Plus we have homemade cakes and teas to refresh you during your browsing!

Contact Ruby’s Vintage

The event details have been added by the organiser and/or their representatives. Please contact them directly for more information using the contact form provided.