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LSD Promotions

Dine ‘N’ Devour | Food & Artisan Festival | Tamworth | 31st May & 1st June 2025

31st May & 1st June 2025Tamworth, B79 7NA

Dine 'N' Devour Food Festival Returns to Tamworth Castle Grounds this Spring 2025!

Dine 'N' Devour Food & Artisan Festival, Droitwich - LSD promotions, photo from Tamworth place tradersDine 'N' Devour Food & Artisan Festival, Droitwich - LSD promotions, photo from Tamworth place traders


Riverdrive, Tamworth, UK
B79 7NA
31st May & 1st June 2025
10:00am - 7:00pm
Next Markets
, 1st Jun 2025
LSD Promotions
Trader Mailing List
All Outdoor Dog Friendly Free Entry
Markets in
Staffordshire , The West Midlands , The Midlands

Join us for a fantastic weekend and indulge in a mouthwatering selection of international street food from around the world and explore a variety of Artisan Traders showcasing unique creations. It’s the perfect day out for the whole family and a fantastic opportunity to catch up with friends. With a vibrant atmosphere, delightful food, and exciting activities, you're in for an unforgettable experience!

Date: Saturday 31st May - Sunday 1st June
Time: Saturday: 10am - 7pm, Sunday: 10am - 5pm
Location: Castle Upper & Lower Lawn, Tamworth B79 7NA
What3words: ///lined.spit.reform

Whilst you're in Tamworth, why not explore the town's rich history?

Tamworth, with its roots dating back to Saxon times, was once the proud capital of Mercia, the largest of all English kingdoms. Immerse yourself in the past as you wander through the chambers and hallways of Tamworth Castle, where the Saxons, Normans, Tudors, and Victorians left their mark.

Don't forget to check out Tamworth Street Market, held every Tuesday and Saturday, right in the heart of town.

Mark your calendars, bring your appetite, and join us for an extraordinary weekend of food, fun, and festivities in Tamworth to kick off the Spring season

Spread the word and invite your friends and family! We can't wait to see you there.

Contact LSD Promotions

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