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Vegan Fairs

Devizes Vegan Market

Saturday 19th JulyDevizes, SN10 1HT

Expect to see a wide range of delicious vegan street food, tasty baked goods, ethical fashion brands, cruelty-free cosmetics, handmade arts and crafts, and more.

Happy Adjika at Vegan Market by Vegan FairsHappy Adjika at Vegan Market by Vegan FairsCustomer with Hot Dog from Vegan Street Diner at Vegan Market by Vegan Fairsvherbalkitchen vegan pizza at Vegan Market by Vegan Fairs


SN10 1HT
Saturday 19th July
10:00am - 3:00pm
Next Markets
Vegan Fairs
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The venue is fully accessible with flat floor access throughout. Disabled parking is available in the town centre and public toilets are a short 3 min walk away.
We would recommend parking in Station Road Car Park which has plenty of spaces and is a short 5 min walk away.
Wheelchair Accessible Toilets All Outdoor Seating Available Dog Friendly Free Entry
Markets in
South West , Wiltshire

Taking place outside on the Market Place right in the heart of the town centre.

You can expect to see a wide range of vendors including delicious vegan street food, tasty baked goods and sweet treats, ethical fashion brands, cruelty-free cosmetics, handmade arts and crafts, artisan items as well as local and national charities and outreach stalls.

With a fantastic selection of independent brands and businesses to support there really will be something for everyone to enjoy. Vegans, vegetarians, flexitarians, pescatarians, omnivores and just the v-curious - all welcome!

Contact Vegan Fairs

The event details have been added by the organiser and/or their representatives. Please contact them directly for more information using the contact form provided.