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Design & Craft Fair

Pedddle does not have any future dates listed for this eventLondon, E1 6QR

A two day celebration of London's unique and diverse craft scene. Join us to shop a selection of handcrafted and self-designed products from 30+ local and independent businesses.


Ely's Yard, London, UK
E1 6QR
23rd & 24th September 2023
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No future dates
Design and Craft Fair | The Truman Brewery
Markets in

This Design & Craft Fair is a two day celebration of London's unique and diverse craft scene.

Join us to shop a selection of handcrafted and self-designed products from 30+ local and independent businesses. Art, homeware, jewellery, ceramics and much more can be found alongside our usual array of fantastic street food.

This market is organised by The Truman Brewery.

Contact Design and Craft Fair | The Truman Brewery

The event details have been added by the organiser and/or their representatives. Please contact them directly for more information using the contact form provided.