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Design 44

Design 44 Meet the
Makers Market

22nd & 29th March 2025Derby, DE1 2PG

Design 44 Meet The Makers Market Pop-Up is a vibrant pop-up event held at the Derbion Shopping Centre in Derby.


Derbion Shopping Centre, London Road, Derby
22nd & 29th March 2025
9:00am - 6:00pm
Next Markets
, 29th Mar 2025
Design 44
Trader Mailing List
Access is available via lifts and disabled parking located on all levels of the shopping centre.
Parking available in the Derbion Shopping Centre parking.
Wheelchair Accessible Toilets All Indoor Free Entry
Markets in
Derbyshire , The East Midlands , The Midlands

Design 44's Meet the Makers Market is a vibrant pop-up event held at the Derbion Shopping Centre in Derby.

This market showcases a curated selection of the region's top designers, artisans, and independent businesses, offering visitors a unique shopping experience. Located on Level 1, just outside the Design 44 store, the market operates from 9 am to 6 pm.

Attendees can explore a diverse array of handmade products, including handcrafted jewellery, bespoke homewares, unique prints, and artisanal food and drink items.

The event provides a platform for small businesses and designers to showcase their creations in a high-footfall location, enhancing their visibility within the community.

For those interested in participating as stallholders, Design 44 is currently accepting applications for their 2025 Spring and Summer Market dates. Prospective participants can apply through the official Design 44 website.

Don't miss the opportunity to support local talent and discover one-of-a-kind items at the Meet the Makers Market. For more information, visit Design 44's official website or follow their Instagram account for the latest updates.

Contact Design 44

Our stallholders at previous markets

The event details have been added by the organiser and/or their representatives. Please contact them directly for more information using the contact form provided.