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Spring Market at Syon Park

22nd & 23rd March 2025Brentford, TW8 8JF

Curated by Dapper & Suave bring you a brand-new Two-Day Spring Market at Syon Park. The
Spring Market at Syon Park offers a perfect mix of springtime charm & local talent, set against a stunning backdrop of The Great Conservatory.

Moms Mosaics - Spring Market at Syon ParkMoms Mosaics - Spring Market at Syon ParkCharlotte Berridge - Summer Market at Syon HouseSJ Fluff & StuffVistana JewelleryStargazy RumVert London - Summer Market at Syon HouseDapper & SuaveCaroline Thomson Jewellery


Syon Park,, Brentford, UK
22nd & 23rd March 2025
10:30am - 4:30pm
Next Markets
, 23rd Mar 2025
Curated by Dapper and Suave
Trader Mailing List
The Great Conservatory is accessible for wheelchairs and ramps will be provided for easier access. The market can be found on the one floor comprising of 5 interconnecting rooms. Accessible toilets are available.
There is a large free car park that is available for those visiting. Bicycle parking racks are located outside the Garden Centre. There are designated disabled parking spaces in the car park. Parking is entirely at owners risk. Syon Park will not accept any responsibility for loss or damage to vehicle or contents.
Wheelchair Accessible Toilets Both Indoor and Outdoor Seating Available Free Entry
Markets in
Greater London , London

Step into a vibrant marketplace at the Spring Market at Syon Park, featuring an array of handpicked small business owners and brands showcasing high-quality, unique items including Artwork, Fashion, Beauty, Skincare, Candles, Jewellery, Homeware and one-of-a-kind gift items - there’s something for everyone!

What to expect:

• Curated businesses offering exceptional products
• Delicious food & drink available inside the Conservatory
• Outdoor food and drink vendors for even more options
• A celebration of creativity, community, and the joy of spring

This isn’t just a market – it’s an experience! Wander through, discover hidden gems, and embrace the spirit of the season.

Join us for two days of springtime magic and shopping delight at the Spring Market at Syon Park. We can’t wait to see you there!

Admission complimentary.

Other Pop-Up Markets held at Denbies Wine Estate, London Road, Dorking, Surrey, RH5 6AA, include:

16th March - Pop Up Shopping Market
27th April - Spring Pop Up Shopping Market
8th June - Pride Pop Up Market
17th August - Family Fun Day & Summer Market
19th October - Autumn Market
9th November - Winter Market

11am - 4pm all on Sundays

Tuesday 2nd December - Christmas Evening Pop-Up - 5.30pm - 8pm


Pop Up Events
The Great Conservatory, Syon Park, Brentford TW8 8JF

2 day - Spring Market
Saturday 22nd & Sunday 23rd March
10.30am – 4.30pm

Summer Market
Sunday 29th June
10.30am – 4.30pm

Festive Market
Friday 28th November
2.00pm – 7.00pm

Saturday 29th November
10.30am – 7.00pm

Sunday 30th November
10.30am – 4.30pm

Contact Curated by Dapper and Suave

The event details have been added by the organiser and/or their representatives. Please contact them directly for more information using the contact form provided.