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Cotton On Art All-Dayer, Cotton On MCR

Pedddle does not have any future dates listed for this eventManchester, M4 5AF

An event celebrating art and crafts from Manchester-based makers, held at Cotton On MCR in Manchester.

PinkVine, Photo taken at Cotton On Mcr market in August 2021. Akaibi, the maker, sat behind a table featuring the Rise and Summer collectionsPinkVine, Photo taken at Cotton On Mcr market in August 2021. Akaibi, the maker, sat behind a table featuring the Rise and Summer collectionsPinkVine, Photo of some items from the Summer Collection. Homeware in a palette of bright, primary blue, terracotta, mustard and off white with textural elements


40 Blossom Street, Manchester
M4 5AF
Saturday 25th June 2022
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Markets in
Manchester , North West

Cotton On Art All-Dayer combines the best of Manchester's art scene into one amazing Art All-Dayer, celebrating locally made art and crafts from a wide selection of stallholders.

This market has been listed by the Pedddle team. Please contact the organiser directly for more information.