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Independent Street

Congleton Market Quarter

Pedddle does not have any future dates listed for this eventCheshire, CW12 1AB

Join us for our exciting monthy markets at Congleton Market Quarter

Pic of Lisa Baldwin organiser of the Artisan market at Congleton Market Quarter with Independent StreetPic of Lisa Baldwin organiser of the Artisan market at Congleton Market Quarter with Independent Street


Congleton Market Quarter, Princess St, Congleton, Cheshire
CW12 1AB
First Saturday of each month
Next Markets
No future dates
Independent Street
Both Indoor and Outdoor Seating Available Dog Friendly Free Entry
Markets in
Cheshire , North West

We are delighted to announce that we have formed a partnership with the team behind the brand new Congleton Market Quarter and we are set to run a series of weekly artisan markets alongside the new CMQ.

Congleton Market Quarter - is Perfectly situated between Princess Street and Mill Street. The team have been busy turning a set of derelict buildings into a thriving hub that the town will be proud of.

CMQ will host a collection of bars, eateries, artisan markets ( that's us ), workspaces, residential and outdoor spaces that will bring people together and help the local economy thrive... We are super excited to be onboard!

Congleton is historically a very old market town, in fact the history of markets goes back to 1282, when Congleton was given the right to have weekly markets and annual fairs. In the middle ages Fairs were like markets but only held once a year. People would come from all over Cheshire to buy and sell at the Congleton Fair.

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