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Independent Street

Artisan Market

Saturday 26th July 2025 Colne, BB8 0HS

We are very excited to be back in Colne this year, working alongside Colne BID again in 2025! Enjoy free entry to this fantastic outdoor event and something for all the family.

Colne Artisan MarketColne Artisan MarketColne Artisan MarketLymm Makers Market - Organic Secrets Award-Winning CBD Brownies available at events and onlineCREATED BY LAU "Della" Pink Flower Polymer Clay Gold PlatedCREATED BY LAU "CHIARA" POLYMER CLAY & RECYCLED BEADED TASSEL EARRINGS GOLD PLATED


Parliament Street, Colne, UK
Saturday 26th July 2025
10:00am - 5:00pm
Next Markets
Independent Street
Outdoor event, please use the contact form below for any specific queries.
There is ample parking on Dockray Street, right by our market area.
All Outdoor Dog Friendly Free Entry
Markets in
Lancashire , North West

Colne Artisan Market is back to bring you Colne Food and Drink Festival 2025, with more than 60 artisan stalls, plus fairground rides, demonstrations, workshops and family fun for the whole family!

Find 60 local stallholders offering street food, drink, artwork, crafts and handmade artisan goods, with free entry for all to this fantastic outdoor event.

Colne is a bustling market town in the Borough of Pendle in Lancashire. This Britain in Bloom town is bursting with trendy independent businesses and funky home interior shops that are perfect for gifts and a mooch. We are delighted to showcase at key annual events in the Colne Calendar working alongside the team at Colne Bid - and Colne Artisan Market is sure to keep you entertained!

Independent Street is proud to showcase local creative community groups, foraging teams and local chefs too, to bring fun, lively events that are packed full of free activities and workshops for the whole family.

Our flagship event is the Colne Food & Drink Festival, of which Colne Artisan Market is part of, held annually in Summer. This collaboration between Independent Street and Colne Bid is a definite date for your diary!

Contact Independent Street

The event details have been added by the organiser and/or their representatives. Please contact them directly for more information using the contact form provided.