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Vegan Fairs

Cirencester Vegan Market

23rd Mar & 21st Sep 2025Cirencester, Gloucestershire, GL7 2NY

Join us for a day jam-packed with all things plant-based and cruelty-free at Cirencester Vegan Market.

No Frickin Chicken at Cirencester Vegan Market Mar by Vegan Fairs photo cred Alison Woodham (2)No Frickin Chicken at Cirencester Vegan Market Mar by Vegan Fairs photo cred Alison Woodham (2)Crowd at Cirencester Vegan Market by Vegan FairsMay Bakery at Cirencester Vegan Market by Vegan Fairs


Cirencester Market Place, Cirencester, Gloucestershire
23rd Mar & 21st Sep 2025
10:00am - 3:00pm
Next Markets
, 21st Sep 2025
Vegan Fairs
Trader Mailing List
The venue is fully accessible with flat floor access throughout. Public toilets are located inside the Forum Car Park.
The Forum car park is the closest but all car parks in Cirencester are close by and are free on Sundays
Wheelchair Accessible Toilets All Outdoor Dog Friendly Free Entry
Markets in
Gloucestershire , South West

Join us for a day jam-packed with all things plant-based and cruelty-free at Cirencester Vegan Market.

You can expect to see a wide range of vegan stalls including delicious vegan street food, baked goods and sweet treats, ethical clothing brands, cruelty free cosmetics, arts and crafts, charities and outreach as well as free samples from our info tent.

With a fantastic selection of local vegan brands and businesses there really will be something for everyone to enjoy. Vegans, vegetarians, flexitarians, pescatarians, omnivores and just the v-curious - all welcome!

Contact Vegan Fairs

The event details have been added by the organiser and/or their representatives. Please contact them directly for more information using the contact form provided.