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Rainbow Monkey Events Ltd

Chesterfield Vegan Market

First Sunday of the monthChesterfield, S40 1AH

Chesterfield Vegan Market is everything you could want from a vegan market - eats and treats, burgers, cakes, chocolates, gluten free options, eco friendly toiletries, zero waste solutions and much more!

Chesterfield Vegan Market - Side shot of Dash Vegan's stall featuring a range of giftware including oil burners, children's environmental issue books, eco homewares, plastic free and zero waste lifestyle goods, herbal teas and chocolate bars. All vegan.Chesterfield Vegan Market - Side shot of Dash Vegan's stall featuring a range of giftware including oil burners, children's environmental issue books, eco homewares, plastic free and zero waste lifestyle goods, herbal teas and chocolate bars. All vegan.Hull Vegan Market - Close up of eco friendly plastic free zero waste personal care items on Dash Vegan's stall Rainbow Monkey EventsBattered sausage, chips and mushy peas in a box. All vegan!- Chesterfield Vegan MarketMansfield Vegan Market - Bliss Balls from Grandela's Artisan TreatsTwo pyrography chopping boards with images and a slogan. The first shows a fox curled up beneath a mountain range and the second is of a cheerful cartoon pig with the message "Don't eat anything that poops!" Found at Newark Vegan & Ethical MarketNo Baloney's dawgs and mash. Fully vegan and gluten free.


New Square, Chesterfield, UK
S40 1AH
First Sunday of the month
10:00am - 4:00pm
Next Markets
, 3rd Aug 2025 , 5th Oct 2025
Rainbow Monkey Events Ltd
Trader Mailing List
Step free access, all open air, disabled parking nearby. Disabled toilet in Wetherspoons right next to the market.
Local residents have free parking in the city centre on a Sunday. Paid for parking is also available in a number of car parks nearby.
Wheelchair Accessible Toilets All Outdoor Seating Available Dog Friendly
Markets in
Derbyshire , The East Midlands , The Midlands

Chesterfield Vegan Market has been running in New Square, Chesterfield, Derbyshire, since May 2022.

Come and find your favourite local vegan traders and many more vegan businesses from outside Derbyshire too!

Friendly and inclusive, we welcome everyone (and your dogs too - please bring them along to say hi!).

Chesterfield Vegan Market is sure to be everything that you'd hope for in a vegan market and much more, with delicious vegan food including burgers, cakes, chocolate, fudge, pies and pizza to dog treats, jewellery, household goods, clothing, animal charities and rescues, plastic free and zero waste solutions, plus hot food to eat at the market and meals to reheat at home, and a variety of vegan artists and creatives.

Rainbow Monkey Events Ltd are committed to running ethical vegan markets which are enjoyable for our traders as well as customers. We hope to bring back an inclusive, friendly and fair vegan market to put Chesterfield firmly back on the vegan map! After the upheaval of events in recent years, we aim for ethical vegan markets where customers can feel assured that only vegan products will be for sale and food allergies are taken very seriously.

Rainbow Monkey Events Ltd is a fully vegan owned, vegan run, friendly small business with ethics and compassion at the core of what we do.

Contact Rainbow Monkey Events Ltd

The event details have been added by the organiser and/or their representatives. Please contact them directly for more information using the contact form provided.