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Artisan Events Wales

Brecon Womens Festival
Artisan Market

Annual EventBrecon, LD3 9DP

Our annual market during the Brecon Women's Festival - held in the historic tithe barn adjacent to The Hours Bookshop & Cafe, in the grounds of the Brecon Cathedral.

Brecon Womens Festival Artisan Market


Cathedral Close, Brecon, UK
Annual Event
11:00am - 3:00pm
Next Markets
Artisan Events Wales
The venue has step free access. There are some cobbled areas, but very few, on the driveway. There are disability parking spaces, and general parking, in the Pay & Display car park of the venue. Ohter parking areas and car parks are availble closer to town. Bus services run regularly. Toilet and changing facilities are also on site.
There are disability parking spaces, and general parking, in the Pay & Display car park of the venue.
Wheelchair Accessible Toilets Both Indoor and Outdoor Seating Available Dog Friendly Free Entry
Markets in
South Wales , Wales

This is a lovely venue, with room for 15 artisan makers indoors, whilst outdoors there is room for 3 stands under the open-sided roof, and for 3 gazebo stands. We are always warmly hosted by the owners of The Hours, who also head the annual Festival - there are a wonderul range of events throughout March!

All stands will be displaying handmade wares and items.
We also run a raffle as a fundraiser for Calan DV services in Brecon, where each stallholder generously donates an item - each visitor can help raise funds, support local makers and enjoy delicous treats or lunch in the cafe.

With accessible entrances and parking, the venue and the grounds offer everyone a memorable visit.

Contact Artisan Events Wales

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