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Balham Spring Market by SoLo Craft Fair

Pedddle does not have any future dates listed for this eventBalham, SW12 8QX

Back at Balham Bowls this Spring!

SoLo Craft Fair at Balham, PedddleSoLo Craft Fair at Balham, PedddleSoLo Craft Fair, Pedddle


7-9 Ramsden Rd, Balham, London
SW12 8QX
Saturday 7th March 2020
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SoLo Craft Fair
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This spring, SoLo Craft Fair are thrilled to announce they are back at Balham Bowls.

As always, indie traders will be selling everything from homeware to fashion to beauty, so there will be plenty available to get you ready for summer.

There will also be a workshop and a kids activity corner.

Contact SoLo Craft Fair

The event details have been added by the organiser and/or their representatives. Please contact them directly for more information using the contact form provided.