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Wylde Thistle

Wylde Thistle Spring Artisan Market at Marine Troon

Pedddle does not have any future dates listed for this eventTroon, KA10 6HE

Join us for our first market of 2024 at the stunning Marine Troon!


8 Crosbie Road, Troon, UK
KA10 6HE
Seasonally throughout the year
Next Markets
No future dates
Wylde Thistle
Disabled parking spaces available opposite the main ground floor entrance Step free access to main ground floor entrance
Parking is free and located to the left of the entrance to the hotel grounds There is a free public carpark next to the hotel/Royal Troon clubhouse by the beach
Wheelchair Accessible Toilets All Indoor Seating Available Free Entry
Markets in
Ayr , Glasgow , Scotland

We return to the beautiful Marine Troon for our Spring Artisan Market featuring 40 fabulous small batch makers, exhibiting their latest goods and seasonal produce.

Find an incredible selection of handcrafted items from local makers, designers and producers including apothecary, art, bakes and cakes, candles, ceramics, children's, dried flowers, glass, interior decoration, jewellery, Lino prints, plants, stationery, textiles, wood, wool and more

It wouldn't be a Wylde Thistle market without our amazing alcohol producers - we have two fabulous local distillers - sample a taste of beautiful botanical gin and gorgeous spiced rum.

We are excited to welcome a master Japanese calligrapher who will be offering the chance to have your own personalised calligraphy to take home.

Find us in the beautifully decorated Portland Suite and the adjoining light and airy conservatory with its gorgeous green tapestry wallpaper.

Entry to our market and car parking is free of charge

Contact Wylde Thistle

The event details have been added by the organiser and/or their representatives. Please contact them directly for more information using the contact form provided.