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Join Pedddle today - colour stall set up with planters

Anran ChristmasFEST 2023

Pedddle does not have any future dates listed for this eventLandscove, Newton Abbot, TQ13 7LY

Join us at Tidwell Farm in Landscove, Devon, for this amazing festive event, bringing together the best makers from across the South West.


Tidwell Farm, Landscove, Newton Abbot, UK
TQ13 7LY
17th,18th - 19th November 2023
Next Markets
No future dates
Jess Heard Ceramics
Parking will be available for a small fee.
Toilets Both Indoor and Outdoor Seating Available Dog Friendly
Markets in
Devon , South West

The return of the Anran ChristmasFEST! In the beautiful setting of the Anran glasshouse, the AnranChristmasFEST 2023 brings together local makers, to offer a great start to the festive season.

Join us at Tidwell Farm in Landscove, Devon, for this amazing festive event, bringing together the best makers from across the South West.

ANRÁN ChristmasFest 2023 opens its doors to host 40 local artisans, creating a Christmas craft market with a difference.

Friday 17th November Charity Preview Party! 6:30-10pm
This year we are also hosting a Private View on Friday 17th November from 6.30-10pm and this is a ticketed event and will be a great way to shop at the stalls in peace, with a glass of something festive and enjoy a carol singing, a live band and get into the festive mood. We would love it if you were able to join us, please click on the ticket link (above in the details section) for more information and ticket sales (please note this is a ticketed event and a limited number so please purchase online).

All products are handmade by the talented community of makers from Devon and surrounding areas.
Curated to provide a range of wonderfully crafted gifts, this market has something for everyone and is sure to get you in the festive spirit.

Please note: this market is now full, now longer open for new applications.

Contact Jess Heard Ceramics

The event details have been added by the organiser and/or their representatives. Please contact them directly for more information using the contact form provided.