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Vegan Fairs

Andover Vegan Market

Sunday 6th July 2025Andover, SP10 1NT

Andover Vegan Market is fun for the whole family. Expect independent plant-based traders, vegan sweet treats, deli items and so much more! Free entry.

Crowd at Andover Vegan Market by Vegan FairsCrowd at Andover Vegan Market by Vegan FairsBaby Cheesus Vegan Cheese at Vegan Market by Vegan FairsCruelty-free candles and aromatherapy at Exeter Vegan Market by Vegan Fairs


High Street, Andover, UK
SP10 1NT
Sunday 6th July 2025
10:00am - 3:00pm
Next Markets
Vegan Fairs
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The whole site is step free and there is disabled parking in the town centre.
All Andover town centre car parks are within walking distance of the market. For a full list of car parks visit:
Wheelchair Accessible All Outdoor Seating Available Dog Friendly Free Entry
Markets in
Hampshire , South West

Andover Vegan Market is the perfect place to cater to all of your vegan needs, whether you’re vegan or just curious!

Andover Vegan Market is fun for the whole family. Expect independent plant-based traders, vegan sweet treats, deli items and so much more.

Andover is a historic market town located in the county of Hampshire, known for its stunning Georgian architecture and rolling countryside hills. We'll be taking over Andover Town Centre as we bring our live vegan events to this historic High Street.

Whether you’re vegan or just v-curious, come along to our next event in Andover!

Free entry.

Contact Vegan Fairs

The event details have been added by the organiser and/or their representatives. Please contact them directly for more information using the contact form provided.