Alton Towers Christmas Market
Pedddle does not have any future dates listed for this eventStaffordshire, ST10 4DB
Soak up the festive atmosphere at this fun market!
- Favourite
- Address
- Alton Towers, Farley Lane, Alton, Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire
ST10 4DB - Date
- 16th - 23rd December 2022
- Time
- -
- Next Markets
- No future dates
- Parking
- Car parking fee applies, see the Alton Towers website directly for details.
- Markets in
- Staffordshire , The West Midlands , The Midlands
Alton Towers Christmas Market lines the fabulous theme park at Alton with festive market stalls.
The market is free to enter, but you can combine your visit with the Lightopia: Seasonal Wonderland Light Trail. Car parking fee applies, find all tickets and full details via the Alton Towers website directly.