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Aldershot Craft Fayre

Quarterly MarketsAldershot, GU11 1DZ

We welcome local crafters from across the area at Aldershot Craft Fayre, who would like to sell their handmade products in a town centre environment.

Colourful female woman stallholder ar Aldershot Craft Fayre colour stallColourful female woman stallholder ar Aldershot Craft Fayre colour stall


Corner of Union Street & Wellington Street, Aldershot, UK
GU11 1DZ
Quarterly Markets
10:00am - 3:00pm
Next Markets
, 16th Aug 2025
Aldershot & Farnborough Markets
Step-free access, cobbled street. Disabled parking available.
Parking available at the High Street Multi-storey Car Park, GU11 1SD. Free parking for stallholders (you are given a permit on the market day).
Wheelchair Accessible Both Indoor and Outdoor
Markets in

If you are looking for a unique gift, something for your home or some creation inspiration for your own projects, there is something for everyone at our craft fayre, Aldershot Craft Fayre.

Contact Aldershot & Farnborough Markets

The event details have been added by the organiser and/or their representatives. Please contact them directly for more information using the contact form provided.