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Join Pedddle today - pic of coloured ceramic pots on a stall

Alderley Edge Village Fete and
Artisan Market

Pedddle does not have any future dates listed for this eventAlderley Edge, SK9 7HN
This is the 10th annual event held on the last weekend of June in the beautiful grounds of Alderley Edge Cricket Club.

Featuring the ever-popular Dog Show with visitors encouraged to bring along their pooch and enter the fun, Childrens fun rides and stalls, Afternoon Teas provided by our Ladies Tennis Teams, a Gin & Pimms Bar as well as a fabulous Artisan Market housed in our marquee.
Alderley Edge Summer Fete and Artisan Market 1, PedddleAlderley Edge Summer Fete and Artisan Market 1, PedddleAlderley Edge Summer Fete and Artisan Market 2, Pedddle


Moss Lane, Alderley Edge
28th June, 2020
Next Markets
No future dates
Alderley Edge Village Fete
Disability access will be provided with on-site parking for disabled
Markets in
Cheshire , North West

The market which will take centre stage within the marquee will feature high quality stalls providing the opportunity to shop for unique art, crafts and homeware goods.

Contact Alderley Edge Village Fete

The event details have been added by the organiser and/or their representatives. Please contact them directly for more information using the contact form provided.