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Why you should visit Manchester Craft & Design Centre

Need Some Inspiration?

Pedddle Founder Nicki recently visited the Craft & Design Centre in Manchester. Read more on her experience.

Manchester Craft & Design Centre, Pedddle

Hi, Nicki here!

I finally headed out to Manchester Craft & Design Centre. I had wanted to visit the centre for such a long time and I when I finally did it certainly didn’t disappoint! Most of the makers were in their own units around the ground floor and mezzanine level, working or chatting to their customers – a lovely atmosphere.

The building has a fabulous glass roof structure, making it feel so bright and airy. However, I didn’t have much understanding of the history behind the space or how it came to be a craft centre, so for others that have a similarly limited knowledge to myself, here is some information.

What is the Manchester Craft & Design Centre?

The building was a former Victorian fish and poultry market, part of the Smithfield Market in the heart of the Northern Quarter. The Northern Quarter remains one of the most atmospheric, bustling places in Manchester, and is always worth a visit.

In 1973, trade at the Smithfield Market ceased due to the newly built Arndale Centre, so in 1978, the council decided that the remaining part of the market would be converted into the ‘Manchester Craft Village’; a creative co-operative of local makers. Significant change has occurred since then, following its official opening in March 1982.

In early 2000’s it was renamed to Manchester Craft & Design Centre, and became a not-for-profit company. The Oak St. Cafe-Bar opened in 2010 and from there they have added a hireable project room and secured the band Elbow’s Guy Garvey as their patron.

As the building approaches its 40th year as a repurposed ‘craft’ venue, now the Manchester Craft & Design Centre, it provides an essential hub in the community for artisan makers. A location to gather and work together, to inspire and focus in equal measure. It was heartening to see makers meeting up for lunch and grabbing a coffee; the perfect self-employed communal work space.

What to expect from your visit

Having entered the Manchester Craft & Design Centre and met with makers who, as I expected, were crafting their products, showed such quality in both design and execution. It was wonderful to see quality products being made. The variety of art, homeware, ceramics, glass, gifts and more was so much more than I expected.

I then decided to visit the cafe for tea and cake. The staff were very helpful and it had a cosy street vibe about it. I can very much recommend the loose leaf tea and fresh cheesecake!

I then revisited the makers and took some photos, which you can see below.

Although I didn’t speak to any of the operations team at the centre, I was confident that they have a very stringent criteria and vetting process when renting out their space to makers, based on the quality I witnessed.

On this occasion, I went for an explorative first visit. I will, most certainly, be popping by again – armed with measurements for the sizes of rooms in my house ready to make purchases!

Below are the social links to Manchester Craft & Design Centre – they’re definitely worth a follow, and make for a great day trip.

It really is such a great venue for makers and creative people that love to support small businesses, and also those looking to run or attend workshops. At the heart of the Northern Quarter in Manchester, it is a true gem of the city and long may it continue to thrive.

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