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Get Sustainable Packaging with Noissue!

Traders- Hints & Tips

Want to be more conscious within your business and use sustainable packaging?

Pedddle and our green sustainable noissue tissue.

Creating a conscious, environmentally aware and sustainable business is a priority for most businesses, so wrapping products using sustainable packaging is pretty important. However, finding the right products and a trustworthy sustainable company is tricky.

We’ve been working with noissue here at Pedddle for a while, as we felt that part of supporting small business owners is to connect them with brands that echo their values. Noissue is a true hero in its field – founded to provide makers, brands and businesses of all sizes with access to customisable, sustainable packaging.

The noissue difference is characterised by their commitment to sustainability for all their products, alongside their simple online design platform and their low minimum order quantities – ideal for small businesses.

Pedddle’s Experience

We can vouch for everything above! Pedddle founder Nicki placed her order for 500 small tissue sheets & stickers branded with the Pedddle logo earlier in 2020 They provided lots of alternative designs, but in the end she opted for our own layout, which she created in Photoshop and uploaded to the noissue site. It worked perfectly.

The website offers great customer experience and I was very satisfied with the choice and quality of print. They even checked back with me to ensure the correct colour was printed. Fantastic service and very efficient.

Nicki Capewell, Founder of Pedddle

Take a look at our video of the products and our time lapse of it being used!

Here are some of Pedddle’s members that have also used the service

Jane Kent Studios
Jane is a maker and stitcher based in rural Staffordshire, where she has been working from her home studio hand-stitching and spreading kindness and positivity for over 8 years. 

Here we can see Jane’s recent tissue purchase – and she is thrilled with it. How sweet is this?!

Stirring Silver
Frankie was the 2019 National Winner of Young Trader of the Year with NMTF, and was a finalist again in 2020! She is a fantastic designer of upcycled lamps, vintage fork jewellery and the most beautifully crafted silver jewellery. As a Pedddle member she recently purchased from noisssue and is really happy with her products. You can see her branded tissue paper alongside her gorgeous products below…

Emily Harvey Art
Emily is an Illustrator based in the North West. She sells illustrated pieces such as bookmarks, art prints, badges and stationery, each with her own unique illustrations on, and offers a fab Patreon package too. You can also find her over on Youtube where she documents her business journey with drawing tips, stories of her market and motherhood adventures and much more. Definitely one to watch! Emily is also a Pedddle member and a big noisssue fan, as you can see:

Fancy creating your own noisssue branded tissue sheets? Take a look and see just how easy it is to design your own or upload a pre-designed image. They really do look fabulous, so you can make your products look great whilst not having to worry about causing harm to the environment!