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Introducing Tresstle – Our brand new sister site!

Traders- Hints & Tips | My Market Finds

Brand new for 2021…

We are beyond thrilled to announce the development of a brand new sister website for Pedddle – Tresstle.

Pedddle’s aim and motivation has always been to enable users to find markets near to where they live, and shop from the stallholders that sell there. Shopping small has always been at the core of what we do.

However, since the outbreak of the Coronavirus pandemic, like many businesses, we had to adapt and transform into a slightly different business model. With in-person markets drastically shut, everyone turned to online selling. We’ve helped hundreds of businesses explore the power of social media, learn about SEO and mailing lists, and much more. We’ve run regular online markets to showcase small businesses and help them sell. However, now is the time for Pedddle to return to advertising markets and the people who trade at them, whilst our online markets have grown and need their own space to develop further.

Our online markets have experienced huge success – but without wanting to dilute the ethos of Pedddle, we decided a brand new website was the answer. The Tresstle website is currently in development, but we do have an Instagram account if you want to check it out – @tresstle_.

Tresstle focuses solely on online selling, using a platform specifically dedicated to small businesses, stallholders and market traders.

What does it mean for Pedddle?

Our Team: The Pedddle Team currently consists of Pedddle Founder Nicki, Creative Content Manager Rebecca and our wonderful Website Developer, Owen. We are now growing this team to accommodate Tresstle, providing lots of exciting new opportunities.

Website Development: We will be simultaneously running the two websites. Pedddle aims to find markets and their stallholders, offering small businesses a listing page and a chance to connect with a community of creatives. Tresstle is solely an online events platform, to build brand awareness, interact with customers and sell products. Both websites will provide small businesses with fantastic opportunities for sales, growth, learning and expansion, and will give customers an easy way to shop from small businesses and have plenty of fun along the way!

What will Tresstle do?

Run online events.

Whether it is curated by our team at Pedddle or another event organiser, Tresstle will offer a fabulous platform for a wide variety of creative events.

We hope to see you creating your own events!

  • Event organisers and market organisers can host their own online events.
  • Stallholders can collaborate with one another to host their own small business / product launch nights or their own virtual markets.
  • Boutique shop owners can host launch nights or online awareness events.

We’ve used our knowledge of running online events to create this one-of-a-kind platform. We’ll be offering an easy way to buy, sell, showcase and interact.

Collaboration is key. Whether you become part of a bigger event with us or run a smaller event by yourselves, an event being hosted in one place with live video content and a schedule is definitely best! It’s a great way to connect with each other and potential customers, engage and interact.

Using social media is a great way to collectively drive customers to the events, and we will work on this website’s SEO (like we’ve done with Pedddle), to provide fantastic opportunities and growth.

Product launches, shop open nights, virtual markets, art trails… it will cater for all these events and more!

Follow our Instagram page for updates – @tresstle_.