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IG Live with Indie Roller’s Leona

Traders- Hints & Tips

Our recent IG Live with Leona from Indie Roller, talking about her Indie Newspaper summer edition, Black Lives Matter and the global inequality within business.

IG Live with Leona from indie Roller.

Check out our recent IG Live with Indie Roller’s Leona, talking about all things small biz related, her Indie Newspaper summer edition, the Black Lives Matter movement and the global inequality within business.

We love talking to Leona as she is super inspiring and informative, and is a huge help to the creative community as a whole.

Scroll on down to watch our IG Live, or check out the links below which were highlighted in our chat.

A few links you need to get involved in…

Indie Roller News – This is Leona’s quarterly newspaper, which is a real treat for the heart and for your business too!

Read more about / sign up to Leona’s quarterly membership package to receive the paper. Indie Roller explores lots of various indie business support and offers interesting articles about the highs and lows of running an independent business. It’s “more than just a newspaper”, as Leona says – and we would agree. You’ll receive a 48-page printed journal once every quarter, full of inspiring stories and expert strategy which is vital as an independent business.

Indie_Roller Instagram account – check out Leona’s Insta page for small biz inspo and some colourful positivity!

Watch our IG Live with Indie Roller’s Leona