There is also a video to accompany this page and you can find it here on Youtube.
Firstly, login to your Pedddle account! Then select the ‘My Stall’ button at the top. You will notice 5 tabs – the final tab is assets (see below).

Work through each tab, clicking “Update” at the bottom as you go.
1. General Information
In the “General Information” tab, give a short intro to your business in the excerpt, do use your stall/business name in this section if possible.
In the Description add a more detailed description in the next box. Search engines like to see a good amount of text in this box and try to use your stall/business name upto 4 times writing over 300 words if possible.
Be sure to input the right information on the socials section – just your handles are needed, no @‘s. No blanks spaces.
2. Where you sell
You can feature products from your own website if it runs on Shopify or Woo-commerce. You can also link to feature your Etsy, Folksy or The Market Co.
Input the counties which you sell in (they will pop up once you start typing). Only use those that you trade in.

3. QR codes
Next up, the QR Code tab: this is a relatively new feature. You can read more about the QR code here and what it does.
Upload an image, as the customer will see this image after they have scanned your QR code out at a market! Add a picture of you and your stall ideally and they will remember you!
If you wish, you can offer a discount for those scanning the QR code. Maybe use one that encourages people to spend an amount before they get a discount, e.g. Spend £10 and get 20% off.
From this tab you can order your Pedddle board.
You will need to print off your own QR code and stick it on your stall/Pedddle board.
4. Gallery
Finally, no stall page is complete without some fabulous images! Click the ‘Gallery’ tab and upload some of your product pictures. We recommend square images, 1080×1080 in size.

Pictures are an epic way to get some SEO (search engine optimisation) juice for Google! Be sure to do this it is SO very important.
Optimising your images helps your visibility. You should complete the Title and Alt Text.
Add information about what is in the image and then also include your stall/business name. The Alt Text (describing what is in an image) is also important for accessibility.
5. Assets
This section offer images for your use of social media but also a web beacon! A web beacon can be added to your own website in the footer and it adds a little Pedddle logo and it links directly back to your page on Pedddle. Having reciprocal links with other bigger websites than your own is great for SEO.